Word Frequency Report

ยง Word Frequency Reports:
    Find word usage frequencies in documents globally or per 10,000 words. You will be able to produce frequency information for individual authors and works, combinations of authors and works, and for the entire corpus. Note that this is a word count of entire documents, including the critical apparatus and other notes, where present. The word 'codd.' and the word 'the' will therefore make an appearance in the list. Note that you can now get full listings for individual works when browsing the texts, using the word count and lemma count links, so that the form here is useful for larger collections.

On using the form: 'default' settings mean that unless you type in a value, the default value will be assumed. We have also assumed that users will want to know about frequencies of Latin words, not English ones. Our XML data are such that it is easiest to exclude all the English translations (some of which are catalogued as containing some Latin) by saying 'NOT Latin'.

Author: (e.g., 'Vergil'; 'Vergil OR Ovid')
Title: (e.g., Aeneid)
Genre: (e.g., prose)
Editor: (e.g., 'Steven J. Willett')
Language: (e.g., latin)
Display frequencies greater than: (e.g., 50) - Default: Frequencies greater than 50
Display frequencies less than: (e.g., 300) - Default: Frequencies less than 10000
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