Demosthenes, Speeches (English) (XML Header) [genre: prose; rhetoric] [word count] [lemma count] [Dem.].
<<Dem. 50.52 Dem. 50.64 (Greek) >>Dem. 51.1

50.59that they might buy in a plentiful market, and that, so far as depended on me, there should be no lack; and I performed for the general every other service which he desired either of myself or of my trireme, not only spending my property, but risking my life as well through always making the voyage in person, although my domestic affairs were in such a condition at that time that you would pity me, if you heard them. 50.60My mother lay sick, note and was at the point of death while I was abroad, so that she was unable any longer to help in the depletion of my resources save to a slight extent. I had been but six days at home, when, after she had seen and greeted me, she breathed her last, being no longer mistress of her property, so as to give me I as much as she wished. She had often sent for me before this, begging me to come to her by myself if I could not come in my ship. 50.61My wife, too, to whom I am deeply attached, was in poor health for a long time during my absence; my children were small and my estate was in debt; my land not only produced no crops, but that year, as you all know, the water even dried up in the wells, so that not a vegetable grew in the garden; and my creditors at the expiration of the year came to collect their interest, unless the principal was paid to them according to the contract. 50.62When I heard these facts from the lips of those who came and also through letters from my relatives, how do you think I must have felt, and how many tears must I have shed, while I reckoned up my present troubles and was longing to see my children and my wife, and my mother whom I had little hope of finding alive? For what is sweeter to a man than these, or why should one wish to live, if deprived of them?

50.63Although the misfortunes which had befallen me were thus grievous, I did not count my private interests of so much importance as your interests, but felt that I ought to rise above the wasting of my fortune, the neglect of my household affairs, and the sickness of my wife and my mother, so that no one could accuse me of deserting my post or letting my ship be useless to the state. 50.64In return for all this I now implore you, that, as I showed myself obedient and useful in your service, so you will now take thought of me, and, remembering all that I have told you, the depositions which I have produced and the decrees, you will succor me when I am being wronged, will mete out punishment in your own interest, and will exact repayment of the funds expended in the defendant's behalf. Or who will wish to be zealous on your service, when men see that you neither reward those who are honest and obedient, nor punish those who are dishonest and disobedient? 50.65The clerk shall read you the law and an account of my expenses in detail for the period during which I served as trierarch beyond my term on the defendant's behalf, and the sums which the several deserters took with them when they ran away from the ship, and where they went, in order that you may be assured that neither now nor at any time before have I made false statements to you. I count it my duty to serve you in a manner above reproach for the period prescribed by law, and as regards those who scorn you and the laws, and will not obey the laws, to convict them and get them punished in your courts. 50.66Be assured that it will be no more in my interest than in your own that you will punish Polycles, nor will you be showing concern merely for those who have served as trierarchs in the past; no, you will be taking thought also for those who are to serve in the future, so that those who perform public services may not be discouraged, and those who are designated as their successors may not show contempt toward the laws, but may go to their ships when they are appointed. These matters you should bear in mind, and reach a fair and just decision regarding all the points at issue.

50.67I should gladly ask you, men of the jury, what opinion you would have had of me, if, when my term of service had expired and the defendant had not come to take over the ship, I had refused to serve longer when the general so ordered, but had sailed away. Would you not have been indignant and have thought that I was wronging you? If, then, you would have been indignant in that case, because I refused to serve beyond my term, should you not now exact from the defendant the money expended by me on his behalf, seeing that he did not take over the ship?

50.68To prove that it is not in my case only that he failed to take over his ship, but that on a former occasion also, when he was the associate of Euripides in the trierarchy and there was an agreement between them that each should sail for six months, when Euripides had sailed and the term had expired, Polycles did not take over the ship from him,—to prove this, I say, the clerk shall read the deposition.Deposition

Demosthenes, Speeches (English) (XML Header) [genre: prose; rhetoric] [word count] [lemma count] [Dem.].
<<Dem. 50.52 Dem. 50.64 (Greek) >>Dem. 51.1

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