Diodorus Siculus, Library (English) (XML Header) [genre: prose] [word count] [lemma count] [Diod. Sic.].
<<Diod. Sic. 17.38.3 Diod. Sic. 17.40.4 (Greek) >>Diod. Sic. 17.42.5

ch. 40 note

17.40.1When Niceratus was archon at Athens, the Romans elected as consuls Marcus Atilius and Marcus Valerius, and the one hundred and twelfth Olympic Games were held, in which Grylus of Chalcis was the victor. note In this year, Alexander buried the dead from his victory at Issus, including even those of the Persians who had distinguished themselves by courage. Then he performed rich sacrifices to the gods and rewarded those who had borne themselves well in battle with gifts appropriate to each, and rested the army for some days. 17.40.2Then he marched on towards Egypt, and as he came into Phoenicia, received the submission of all the other cities, for their inhabitants accepted him willingly.

At Tyre, however, when the king wished to sacrifice to the Tyrian Heracles, note the people overhastily barred him from entering the city; 17.40.3Alexander became angry and threatened to resort to force, but the Tyrians cheerfully faced the prospect of a siege. They wanted to gratify Dareius and keep unimpaired their loyalty to him, and thought also that they would receive great gifts from the king in return for such a favour. They would draw Alexander into a protracted and difficult siege and give Dareius time for his military preparations, and at the same time they had confidence in the strength of their island and the military forces in it. They also hoped for help from their colonists, the Carthaginians. note

17.40.4The king saw that the city could hardly be taken by sea because of the engines mounted along its walls and the fleet that it possessed, while from the land it was almost unassailable because it lay four furlongs away from the coast. note Nevertheless he determined to run every risk and make every effort to save the Macedonian army from being held in contempt by a single undistinguished city. 17.40.5Immediately he demolished what was called Old Tyre note and set many tens of thousands of men to work carrying stones to construct a mole two plethra in width. note He drafted into service the entire population of the neighbouring cities and the project advanced rapidly because the workers were numerous.

ch. 41 17.41.1At first, the Tyrians sailed up to the mole and mocked the king, asking if he thought that he would get the better of Poseidon. note Then, as the work proceeded with unexpected rapidity, they voted to transport their children and women and old men to Carthage, assigned the young and able-bodied to the defence of the walls, and made ready for a naval engagement with their eighty triremes. 17.41.2They did succeed in getting a part of their children and women to safety with the Carthaginians, note but they were outstripped by the abundance of Alexander's labour force, and, not being able to stop his advance with their ships, were compelled to stand the siege with almost their whole population still in the city. 17.41.3They had a wealth of catapults and other engines employed for sieges and they had no difficulty in constructing more because of the engineers and artisans of all sorts who were in the city. 17.41.4All kinds of novel devices were fashioned by them, so that the entire circuit of the walls was covered with machines, especially on that side where the mole was approaching the city. note

17.41.5As the Macedonian construction came within range of their missiles, portents were sent by the gods to them in their danger. Out of the sea a tidal wave tossed a sea-monster of incredible size into the midst of the Macedonian operations. It crashed into the mole but did it no harm, remained resting a portion of its body against it for a long time 17.41.6and then swam off into the sea again. note This strange event threw both sides into superstition, each imagining that the portent signified that Poseidon would come to their aid, for they were swayed by their own interest in the matter.

17.41.7There were other strange happenings too, calculated to spread confusion and terror among people. At the distribution of rations on the Macedonian side, the broken pieces of bread had a bloody look. note Someone reported, on the Tyrian side, that he had seen a vision in which Apollo told him that he would leave the city. 17.41.8Everyone suspected that the man had made up the story in order to curry favour with Alexander, and some of the younger citizens set out to stone him; he was, however, spirited away by the magistrates and took refuge in the temple of Heracles, where as a suppliant he escaped the people's wrath, but the Tyrians were so credulous that they tied the image of Apollo to its base with golden cords, preventing, as they thought, the god from leaving the city. note

Diodorus Siculus, Library (English) (XML Header) [genre: prose] [word count] [lemma count] [Diod. Sic.].
<<Diod. Sic. 17.38.3 Diod. Sic. 17.40.4 (Greek) >>Diod. Sic. 17.42.5

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