Polybius, Histories (English) (XML Header) [genre: prose] [word count] [lemma count] [Polyb.].
<<Polyb. 36.3 Polyb. 36.4 (Greek) >>Polyb. 36.5

36.4 Meaning of Surrender

I have spoken before about what this implies, but I note must in this place also briefly remind my readers of its import. Those who thus surrender themselves to the Roman authority, surrender all territory and the cities in it, together with all men and women in all such territory or cities, likewise rivers, harbours, temples, and tombs, so that the Romans should become actual lords of all these, and those who surrender should remain lords of nothing whatever. On the Carthaginians making a surrender to this effect, they were summoned into the Senate-house and the Praetor delivered the Senate's decision, which was to this effect: "They had been well advised, and therefore the Senate granted them freedom and the enjoyment of their laws; and moreover, all their territory and the possession of their other property, public or private." note The Carthaginian envoys were much relieved when they heard this; thinking that, where the alternatives were both miserable, the Senate had treated them well in conceding their most necessary and important requirements. note But presently the Praetor went on to state that they would enjoy these concessions on condition of sending three hundred hostages to Lilybaeum within thirty days, sons of members of the Hundred note or the Senate, and obeying such commands as should be imposed on them by the

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consuls. This dashed their satisfaction for a time, because they had no means of knowing what orders were to be given them through the consuls; however, they started at once, being anxious to report what had occurred to their countrymen with all speed. When they arrived in Carthage and stated the facts, the citizens considered that the envoys had in all respects acted with proper caution; but they were greatly alarmed and distressed by the fact that in the answer no mention was made of the city itself.

Polybius, Histories (English) (XML Header) [genre: prose] [word count] [lemma count] [Polyb.].
<<Polyb. 36.3 Polyb. 36.4 (Greek) >>Polyb. 36.5

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