Strabo, Geography (English) (XML Header) [genre: prose] [word count] [lemma count] [Str.].
<<Str. 12.3.14 Str. 12.3.19 (Greek English(2)) >>Str. 12.3.22


Next to Sidene is Pharnacia note a small fortified city, and then follows Trapezus, note a Greek city, to which from Amisus is a voyage of about 2200 stadia; thence to the Phasis about 1400 stadia, so that the sum total of stadia from the Hieron note to the Phasis is about 8000 stadia, either more or less.

In sailing along this coast from Amisus we first come to the Heracleian promontory; note then succeeds another promontory, Jasonium, note and the Genetes; note then Cytorus (Cotyorus) a small city, note from which Pharnacia received a colony; then Ischopolis, which is in ruins. Next is a bay on which are situated Cerasus, and Hermonassa, note small settlements. Near Hermonassa is Trapezus, then Colchis. Somewhere about this place is a settlement called Zygopolis.

I have already spoken of Colchis, and of the sea-coast beyond. note 12.3.18

Above Trapezus and Pharnacia are situated Tibareni, Chaldaei, Sanni, (who were formerly called Macrones, note) and the Lesser Armenia. The Appaitae also, formerly called Cercitae, are not far from these places. Through the country belonging to these people stretches the Scydises, note a very rugged mountain, contiguous to the Moschic mountains note above Colchis. The heights of the Scydises are occupied by the Heptacometae. note This country is likewise traversed by the Paryadres, note which extends from the neighbourhood of Sidene and Themiscyra to the Lesser Armenia, and forms the eastern side of the Pontus.

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All the inhabitants of these mountains are quite savage, but the Heptacometae are more so than all the others. Some of them live among trees, or in small towers, whence the ancients called them Mosynceci, note because the towers were called mosČ³nes. Their food consists of the flesh of wild animals and the fruits of trees. They attack travellers, leaping down from the floors of their dwellings among the trees. The Heptacometae cut off three of Pompey's cohorts, as they were passing through the mountains, by placing on their road vessels filled with maddening honey, which is procured from the branches of trees. The men who had tasted the honey and lost their senses were attacked and easily despatched. Some of these barbarians were called Byzeres. 12.3.19

The present Chaldaei were anciently called Chalybes. It is in their territory chiefly that Pharnacia is situated. On the sea-coast it has natural advantages for the capture of the pelamydes. For this fish is first caught at this place. On the mainland there are at present mines of iron; formerly there were also mines of silver. The sea-shore along all these places is very narrow, for directly above it are hills, which abound with mines and forests; much, however, of the country is not cultivated. The miners derive their subsistence from the mines, and the fishermen from the fisheries, especially from the capture of pelamydes and dolphins. The dolphins pursue shoals of fish, the cordyla, the tunny, and even the pelamys; they grow fat on them, and as they approach the land incautiously, are easily taken. They are caught with a bait and then cut into pieces; large quantities of the fat are used for all purposes. 12.3.20

These I suppose are the people who are called by Homer Halizoni, who in his Catalogue follow the Paphlagonians. But Odius and Epistrophus led the Halizoni
Far from Alybe, where there are silver mines; note
Il. ii. 856.
whether the writing was changed from far from Chalybe, or whether the people were formerly called Alybes instead of Chalybes. We cannot at present say that it is possible that Chaldaei should be read for Chalybes, but it cannot be maintained that formerly Chalybes could not be read for Alybes, espe-

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cially when we know that names are subject to many changes, more especially among barbarians. For example, a tribe of Thracians were called Sinties, then Sinti, then Saii, in whose country Archilochus is said to have thrown away his shield: one of the Saii exults in having a shield, which, without blame, I involuntarily left behind in a thicket. This same people have now the name of Sapaei. For all these people were settled about Abdera, they also held Lemnos and the islands about Lemnos. Thus also Brygi, Briges, and Phryges are the same people; and Mysi, Maeones, and Meones are the same people. But it is unnecessary to multiply instances of this kind.

The Scepsian (Demetrius) throws some doubt on the alteration of the name from Alybes to Chalybes, but not understanding what follows, nor what accords with it, nor, in particular, why the poet calls the Chalybes Alizoni, he rejects the opinion that there has been an alteration of name. In comparing his opinion with my own I shall consider also the hypotheses entertained by others.

Strabo, Geography (English) (XML Header) [genre: prose] [word count] [lemma count] [Str.].
<<Str. 12.3.14 Str. 12.3.19 (Greek English(2)) >>Str. 12.3.22

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