Strabo, Geography (English) (XML Header) [genre: prose] [word count] [lemma count] [Str.].
<<Str. 9.2.5 Str. 9.2.11 (Greek English(2)) >>Str. 9.2.15


Then follows a great harbour, which is called Bathys (or deep harbour): then Aulis, note a rocky spot, and a village of the Tanagraeans, with a harbour capable of containing 50 small vessels. So that probably the naval station of the

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Greeks was in the Great Harbour. Near it is the Chalcidic Euripus, to which, from Suniurn, are 70 stadia. On the Euripus, as I have already said, there is a bridge of two plethra in length; note at each end is a tower, one on the side of Chalcis, the other on the side of Boeotia; and a passage (for the water) is constructed between them. note With regard to the tide of the Euripus, it is sufficient to say thus much, that according to report, it changes seven times each day and night; the cause must be investigated elsewhere. 9.2.9

Salganeus is a place situated near the Euripus, upon a height. It has its name from Salganeus, a Boeotian, who was buried there. He was guide to the Persians, when they sailed into this passage from the Maliac Gulf. It is said, that he was put to death before they reached the Euripus, by the commander of the fleet, Megabates, as a traitor, for conducting the fleet deceitfully into a narrow opening of the sea, having no outlet. The Barbarian, however, perceived his mistake, and regretting what he had done, thought him worthy of burial, because he had been unjustly put to death. 9.2.10

Near Oropus note is a place called Graia, the temple also of Amphiaraus, and the monument of Narcissus the Eretrian, surnamed Sigelus, (the Silent,) because passers-by keep silence. Some say that Graia and Tanagra note are the same. The territory of Poemandris, however, is the same as that of Tanagra. The Tanagraens are also called Gephyraeans. The temple of Amphiaraus was transferred by command of an oracle to this place from the Thebaic Cnopia. 9.2.11

Mycalessus is a village in the Tanagrian district. It lies upon the road from Thebes to Chalcis. It is called in the Boeotian dialect Mycalettus. Harma, also, an uninhabited village in the Tanagrian territory, derives its name from the

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chariot (ἅμα) of Amphiaraus, and is a different place from Harma in Attica, near Phyle, note a demus of Attica bordering upon Tanagra. There the proverb originated, When it has lightened through Harma,
The Pythaïstae, as they are called, signify, by the order of an oracle, the occurrence of any lightning when they are looking in the direction of Harma, and despatch the sacrifice to Delphi whenever it is observed. They were to keep watch for three months, and for three days and nights in each month, at the altar of Jupiter Astrapius, or Dispenser of lightning. This altar is in the wall, between the Pythium and the Olympium. Respecting the Boeotian Harma, some say, that Amphiaraus fell in battle out of his chariot, [harma,] near the spot where his temple now stands, and that the chariot was drawn empty to the place, which bears the same name [Harma]. note Others say, that the chariot of Adrastus, in his flight, was there dashed in pieces, but that lie himself escaped on his horse Areion. According to Philochorus, his life was preserved by the inhabitants of the village; in consequence of which they obtained among the Argives the right of citizenship. 9.2.12

On going from Thebes to Argos, note on the left hand is Tanagra; and [near the road] on the right lies Hyria. Hyria now belongs to the Tanagrian territory, but formerly to the Thebais. Here Hyrieus is fabled to have lived, and here is the scene of the birth of Orion, which Pindar mentions in the dithyrambics. It is situated near Aulis. Some persons say that Hysiae is called Hyria, which belongs to Parasopia, situated below Cithaeron, near Erythrae, in the inland parts; it is a colony of the Hyrienses, and was founded by Nycteus, the father of Antiope. There is also in the Argive territory a village, Hysiae, the inhabitants of which are called Hysiatae. Erythrae in Ionia is a colony of this Erythrae.

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Heleon, a Tanagrian village, has its name from (Hele) the marshes there. 9.2.13

After Salganeus is Anthedon, a city with a harbour, the last on the Boeotian coast towards Euboea, as the poet says, Anthedon at the extremity. note
Il. ii. 508.
As we proceed a little farther, there are besides two small towns, belonging to the Boeotians, Larymna, near which the Cephissus discharges its waters; and farther above, Halae, of the same name as the Attic demus. Opposite to this coast is situated, it is said, Aegae note in Euboea, where is the temple of the Aegaean Neptune, of which we have before spoken. There is a passage across from Anthedon to Aegae of 120 stadia, and from the other places much less than this. The temple is situated upon a lofty hill, where was once a city. Near Aegae was Orobiae. note In the Anthedonian territory is the mountain Messapius, note which has its name from Messapus, who when he came into Iapygia called it Messapia. Here is laid the scene of the fable respecting the Anthedonian Glaucus, who, it is said, was transformed into a sea-monster. note

Strabo, Geography (English) (XML Header) [genre: prose] [word count] [lemma count] [Str.].
<<Str. 9.2.5 Str. 9.2.11 (Greek English(2)) >>Str. 9.2.15

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