Pliny the Elder, Natural History (English) (XML Header) [genre: prose] [word count] [lemma count] [Plin. Nat.].
<<Plin. Nat. 22.76 Plin. Nat. 22.77 (Latin) >>Plin. Nat. 22.78


Even more than this—the very plants which are the bane of the corn-field are not without their medicinal uses. Darnel [Note] has received from Virgil [Note] the epithet of "unhappy;" and yet, ground and boiled with vinegar, it is used as an application for the cure of impetigo, which is the more speedily effected the oftener the application is renewed. It is employed, also, with oxymel, for the cure of gout and other painful diseases. The following is the mode of treatment: for one sextarius of vinegar, two ounces of honey is the right proportion; three sextarii having been thus prepared, two sextarii of darnel meal are boiled down in it to a proper consistency, the mixture being applied warm to the part affected. This meal, too, is used for the extraction of splinters of broken bones.

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Pliny the Elder, Natural History (English) (XML Header) [genre: prose] [word count] [lemma count] [Plin. Nat.].
<<Plin. Nat. 22.76 Plin. Nat. 22.77 (Latin) >>Plin. Nat. 22.78

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