Search for Words or Phrases in Texts

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Find Texts in the Collection by Author or Title

Bibliographic Search Fields:
(e.g. 'Vergil')
(e.g. 'Aeneid')

Your query:

Type in any combination of criteria to formulate a new search. As you type in search fields, you will see a summary appear right here.

To see a full list of available texts, leave all fields blank and hit 'Search the Texts'.

To go directly to a particular text or passage, you can enter a citation in the 'Citation Lookup' box above.

Consult Info & Help below for further hints.
Philologic Information and Help

Welcome to Philologic. Here are some tips to make your visit more productive:
  • Morphology and Lemmatization: You can now search by morphological characteristics and by lemmatized form. Do this with the formula pos: or lemma: E.g., pos:v*3spia* will find verb forms in the 3sg, present indicative active; lemma:fero will find instances of the verb fero.
  • A quick overview of part-of-speech codes:
    slot 1: major part of speech: verb, noun, adjective, pronoun, adverb, conjunction, preposition, g= particle,..
    slot 2: minor part of speech: ne proper name (also: ae, de for proper-name adjectives and adverbs based on proper names), ps possessive pronoun, gm modal particle, pa: in the Latin texts, this is used for determinatives: is, ipse, idem. Further examples: .d = demonstrative, .i=interrogative, .r = relative, .s= possessive, .x=indefinite.
    slot 3: person (1, 2, 3)
    slot 4: number (s, p)
    slot 5: tense (present, imperfect, perfect, future, pluperfect, future perfect)
    slot 6: mood (i, s, imperative, participle, infinitive, gerundive, gerund, supine)
    slot 7: voice (a, p)
    slot 8: gender (m, f, n (personal pronouns are not marked for gender)
    slot 9: case (n, g, d, a, , b, v)
    slot 10: degree (c, s)

    Sample searches (using asterisk as a wild card, hyphens for single empty slots):
    pos:v*pna* : for a verb in the present infinitive active
    pos:pp* for personal pronouns;
    pos:dd* for demonstrative adverbs.
    lemma:possum;pos:v-3s* (3rd singular forms of possum); lemma:possum;pos:v-3s* pos:v*pna* (same, followed by a present infinitive active). Do note that this system has no syntax whatsoever; it purely searches for morphological characteristics! The infinitives you see may not 'go with' the forms of possum at all.

  • We now have more so-called Tooltips on the search form. Hover over a box with your mouse, wait a moment, and you may get helpful information. In Firefox, you can install an 'add-on' called Long Titles to make the full text of these tips display.
  • Show Options: Clicking on the "Show Options" buttons gives you a listing of all the possibilities for the search field in this database. Please be patient; some of these take a few moments to generate. 'Show Options' does not execute a search; it merely lists a number of possibilities for you to enter in the adjoining search field.
  • For bibliographic fields, the Show Options function is dynamic: if you have already selected Plautus as your Author and proceed to click on Show Options next to the Title field, you will see titles by Plautus only.
  • 'Text object' is an umbrella term for both structural parts of texts (chapters, sections, notes) as well as less conventional units, such as character text. These fields allow you to limit your search to textual notes, or to a particular character in comedy.
  • For pattern matching one may employ wildcard characters (e.g., widow* retrieves widow, widowe, widowhood, etc.). Wild cards are not necessary outside the main search field. In the author field, 'Cic', 'Cic*', 'cero', etc. all find Cicero (and his brother). For fuller explanations, please consult the Philologic manual.
  • You can look up parses and associated dictionary entries by clicking on any Latin word. If this results in nonsense, please report it to us, and in the meantime, you will still be able to look up words in the dictionary by entering another word in the lookup box and following links to Lewis and Short.
  • Philologists: Check out the refined search results. Here you can tweak the KWIC settings, for instance.
  • Narratologists: Check out the Text Object Search fields. Here you can enter a character's name and search only in that character's speech (Latin texts: comedy).
  • On the results pages, we have included a link to report problems and errors. If you find anything from typos, to missing chunks of text, etcetera or if you have suggestions for improvement, please let us know.
  • Terms: Clicking on the "Terms" buttons gives you a listing of all the possibilities for the search field in this database. Please be patient; some of these take a few moments to generate.
  • No results when you fully expected them? You may need to hit the 'Clear' button to make sure you do not have hidden criteria from a previous search.
  • Similarity searching: Remember, you know more Latin than a computer does. Your mileage may vary, but you may well find this option most useful for searching the English translations.
Refined Search Results

[ to hide titles]
words. Filtered Words


Bibiliographic Search Fields

Find documents or limit word searches (use AND, OR, and NOT).

(e.g. 'Steven J. Willett')

(e.g. '1899')

(e.g. 'NOT English')

(e.g. 'OvMetLat')

(e.g. 'comedy')

One may also use the bibliographic fields on their own to find documents and sort the results.
Text Object Search Fields

Find documents or limit word searches (use OR only).

Div Objects
(e.g. 'To Nicocles')

(e.g. 'choral' or 'NOT notes')

SubDiv Objects:

Use Who: to find text spoken by characters you specify.
(e.g. 'Μήδεια')

(e.g. 'Atossa')

(e.g. 'note')

(e.g. 'iamb')