Pliny the Elder, Natural History (English) (XML Header) [genre: prose] [word count] [lemma count] [Plin. Nat.].
<<Plin. Nat. 25.108 Plin. Nat. 25.109 (Latin) >>Plin. Nat. 25.110


The plant known to the Greeks as "batrachion," [Note] we call ranunculus. [Note] There are four varieties of it, [Note] one of which

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has leaves somewhat thicker than those of coriander, nearly the size of those of the mallow, and of a livid hue: the stem of the plant is long and slender, and the root white; it grows on moist and well-shaded embankments. The second [Note] kind is more foliated than the preceding one, the leaves have more numerous incisions, and the stems of the plant are long. The third [Note] variety is smaller than the others, has a powerful smell, and a flower of a golden colour. The fourth [Note] kind is very like the one last mentioned, but the flower is milk-white.

All these plants have caustic properties: if the leaves are applied unboiled, they raise blisters like those caused by the action of fire; hence it is that they are used for the removal of leprous spots, itch-scabs, and brand marks upon the skin. They form an ingredient also in all caustic preparations, and are applied for the cure of alopecy, care being taken to remove them very speedily. The root, if chewed for some time, in cases of tooth-ache, will cause [Note] the teeth to break; dried and pulverized, it acts as a sternutatory.

Our herbalists give this plant the name of "strumus," from the circumstance of its being curative of strumous [Note] sores and inflamed tumours, for which purpose a portion of it is hung up in the smoke. It is a general belief, too, with them, that if it is replanted, the malady so cured will reappear [Note]—a criminal practice, for which the plantago is also employed. The juice of this last-mentioned plant is curative of internal ulcerations of the mouth; and the leaves and root are chewed for a similar

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purpose, even when the mouth is suffering from defluxions. Cinquefoil effects the cure of ulcerations and offensive breath; psyllium [Note] is used also for ulcers of the mouth.

Pliny the Elder, Natural History (English) (XML Header) [genre: prose] [word count] [lemma count] [Plin. Nat.].
<<Plin. Nat. 25.108 Plin. Nat. 25.109 (Latin) >>Plin. Nat. 25.110

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