Pliny the Elder, Natural History (English) (XML Header) [genre: prose] [word count] [lemma count] [Plin. Nat.].
<<Plin. Nat. 27.21 Plin. Nat. 27.22 (Latin) >>Plin. Nat. 27.23


I have not found it stated by authors what kind of plant alcibium [Note] is; but the root, I find, and the leaves, are pounded and employed, both externally and internally, for injuries inflicted by serpents. When the leaves are used, a handful of them is bruised in three cyathi of undiluted wine: the root is employed in the proportion of three drachmæ to the same quantity of wine.

Pliny the Elder, Natural History (English) (XML Header) [genre: prose] [word count] [lemma count] [Plin. Nat.].
<<Plin. Nat. 27.21 Plin. Nat. 27.22 (Latin) >>Plin. Nat. 27.23

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