Pliny the Elder, Natural History (English) (XML Header) [genre: prose] [word count] [lemma count] [Plin. Nat.].
<<Plin. Nat. 3.7 Plin. Nat. 3.8 (Latin) >>Plin. Nat. 3.9


Next to this comes the seventh region, in which is Etruria,

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a district which begins at the river Macra, and has often changed its name. At an early period the Umbri were expelled from it by the Pelasgi; and these again by the Lydians, who from a king of theirs [Note] were named Tyrrheni, but afterwards, from the rites observed in their sacrifices, were called, in the Greek language [Note], Tusci. The first town in Etruria is Luna [Note], with a noble harbour, then the colony of Luca [Note], at some distance from the sea, and nearer to it again the colony of Pisæ [Note], between the rivers Auser [Note] and Arnus [Note], which owes its origin to Pelops and the Pisans [Note], or else to the Teutani, a people of Greece. Next is Vada [Note] Volaterrana, then the river Cecinna [Note], and Populonium [Note] formerly belonging to the Etrurians, the only town they had on this coast. Next to these is the river Prile [Note], then the Umbro [Note], which is navigable, and where the district of Umbria begins, the port of Telamon [Note], Cosa [Note] of the Volcientes, founded by the Roman

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people, Graviscæ [Note], Castrum novum [Note], Pyrgi [Note], the river Cæretanus [Note], and Cære [Note] itself, four miles inland, called Agylla by the Pelasgi who founded it, Alsium [Note], Fregenæ [Note], and the river Tiber, 284 [Note] miles from the Macra.

In the interior we have the colonies of Falisci [Note], founded by the Argives, according to the account of Cato [Note], and surnamed Falisci Etruscorum, Lucus Feroniæ [Note], Rusellana, the Senienses [Note], and Sutrina [Note]. The remaining peoples are the

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Arretini [Note] Veteres, the Arretini Fidentes, the Arretini Julienses, the Amitinenses, the Aquenses, surnamed Taurini [Note], the Blerani [Note], the Cortonenses [Note], the Capenates [Note], the Clusini Novi, the Clusini Veteres [Note], the Florentini [Note], situate on the stream of the Arnus, Fæsulæ [Note], Ferentinum [Note], Fescennia [Note],

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Hortanum [Note], Herbanum [Note], Nepeta [Note], Novem Pagi [Note], the Claudian præfecture of Foroclodium [Note], Pistorium [Note], Perusia [Note], the Suanenses, the Saturnini, formerly called the Aurinini, the Subertani [Note], the Statones [Note], the Tarquinienses [Note], the Tuscanienses [Note], the Vetulonienses [Note], the Veietani [Note], the Vesentini [Note], the Volaterrani [Note], the Voleentini [Note], surnamed Etrusci, and the Volsinienses [Note]. In the same district the territories of

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Crustumerium [Note] and Caletra [Note] retain the names of the ancient towns.

Pliny the Elder, Natural History (English) (XML Header) [genre: prose] [word count] [lemma count] [Plin. Nat.].
<<Plin. Nat. 3.7 Plin. Nat. 3.8 (Latin) >>Plin. Nat. 3.9

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