Pliny the Elder, Natural History (English) (XML Header) [genre: prose] [word count] [lemma count] [Plin. Nat.].
<<Plin. Nat. 32.21 Plin. Nat. 32.22 (Latin) >>Plin. Nat. 32.23


According to Nicander, sea-weed is also a theriac. [Note] There are numerous varieties of it, as already [Note] stated; one, for instance, with an elongated leaf, another red, another again with a broader leaf, and another crisped. The most esteemed kind of all is that which grows off the shores of Crete, upon the rocks there, close to the ground: it being used also for dyeing wool, as it has the property [Note] of so fixing the colours as never to allow of their being washed out. Nicander recommends it to be taken with wine.

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Pliny the Elder, Natural History (English) (XML Header) [genre: prose] [word count] [lemma count] [Plin. Nat.].
<<Plin. Nat. 32.21 Plin. Nat. 32.22 (Latin) >>Plin. Nat. 32.23

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