Flavius Josephus, Jewish War (XML Header) [genre: prose] [word count] [lemma count] [Joseph. BJ].

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  <teiHeader type="text" status="new">
 	<title type="work" n="BJ">Jewish War</title>
 	<author n="J.">Flavius Josephus</author>
 	<editor role="editor" n="Niese">B. Niese</editor>
    <sponsor>Perseus Project, Tufts University</sponsor>
 		<principal>Gregory Crane</principal>
 		<resp>Prepared under the supervision of</resp>
 		<name>Lisa Cerrato</name>
 		<name>William Merrill</name>
 		<name>Elli Mylonas</name>
 		<name>David Smith</name>
    <funder n="org:Tufts">Tufts University</funder>
 		<publisher>Trustees of Tufts University</publisher>
 		<pubPlace>Medford, MA</pubPlace>
 		<authority>Perseus Project</authority>
 		<availability status="free">
<p>This text may be freely distributed, subject to the following
 	<item>You credit Perseus, as follows, whenever you use the document:
 	  <quote>Text provided by Perseus Digital Library, with funding from Tufts University. Original version available for viewing and download at http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/.</quote>
 	<item>You leave this availability statement intact.</item>
 	<item>You use it for non-commercial purposes only.</item>
 	<item>You offer Perseus any modifications you make.</item>
    <sourceDesc default="NO">
 	<biblStruct default="NO">
 	  <author>Flavius Josephus</author>
 	  <title>The War of the Jews</title>
 	  <title type="full">Flavii Iosephi opera</title>
 	  <editor role="editor">B. Niese</editor>
    <refsDecl doctype="TEI.2">
 	<state delim="." unit="book" />
 	<state unit="section" />
    <langUsage default="NO">
 	<language id="greek">Greek</language>
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 $Log: j.bj_gk.xml,v $
 Revision 1.2 2005/08/01 16:16:04 packel
 removed stray item tags
 	Revision 1.1 2005/07/25 14:38:03 packel
 	Converted to XML
 Revision 1.9 2005/03/30 20:29:10 packel
 fixed milestone units
 Revision 1.8 2003/07/01 22:17:11 yorkc
 Updated texts to TEI P4 and Perseus P4 extensions; minor cleanup (esp. character encodings and typos.)
 Revision 1.7 2000/03/08 16:40:18 dasmith
 Funded by Tufts, not NEH.
 Revision 1.6 2000/03/04 20:34:46 dasmith
 Added separate funder entity to TEI header.
 Revision 1.5 2000/01/31 19:59:16 dasmith
 Use ED attribute in STATE.
 Revision 1.4 1999/08/04 23:56:57 dasmith
 Mark chunking milestones.
 Revision 1.3 1999/07/20 22:43:53 dasmith
 Regularized resDecl
 Revision 1.2 1997/11/21 23:18:13 textgod
 Removed codes. Removed duplicate ending.
 Revision 1.1 1997/11/21 19:38:03 textgod
 Added to repository. Passed SGML parse. Lined up sections.
 <text n="BJ"> 


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Flavius Josephus, Jewish War (XML Header) [genre: prose] [word count] [lemma count] [Joseph. BJ].
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